We created CYKE to support the emotional development of children. The focus of this website stems from my own background as a child psychiatrist and father of three. There are many different ways to help a family, but I have found that the healthy emotional development of kids is a vital foundation. It sounds like such a basic thing, but everyone, including my own family, struggles with this challenge.
As a health professional, I completed training in pediatrics first and then moved on to child and adult psychiatry. So much has changed in the world of psychiatry over the last 20 years. It has evolved from an image of Freud and psychoanalysis to a profession that now focuses on short term therapy goals and collaborative approaches with families. I have a profound respect for all of the different psychiatric approaches, but I rely on the more direct and problem-solving focused methods.
One might say CYKE is trying to follow the foot steps of Dr. Benjamin Spock (the pediatrician, not the pointy eared Vulcan) and Julia Child (the chef that took blow torches to her French onion soup). Both of these people strived to take the mysticism out of their professions. Dr. Spock helped parents better understand the physical health of their children and supported the importance of parental instincts in the care of their kids. Julia Child took the world of French cuisine and made it understandable, something we could attempt in our own kitchen.
Psychiatry and mental health has been shrouded in mystery and are stigmatized in many cultures. Emotions are things that we do not talk about and perhaps this bias stems from the fact that most of our famiies "found a way to get by, to survive ." But science has come a long way and today we have tools to help people that have never existed before. We have new approaches in therapy and counseling to help us face our problems. We have new medications that can improve mental health conditions without the severe side effects of older medication.
With CYKE, we hope to provide as much understanding as we can to the mental health of children. Their emotions are not black boxes, their feelings are things that you can learn to understand and nurture. Psychiatry can support the growth of your kids and should not be considered some weird "mind job" that is mysterious and scary.
Welcome to CYKE. Parents are the experts on their kids. We're here to provide you with information and support that you can use to best nurture your family.
Dr. Vincent Ho